
Friday, August 24, 2018


Good day people my class has been doing a task that one of our teachers wanted us to do and we had to do temperature. Also we have to do a slideshow and get info and a lot things here is my slideshow. My favourite part of the learning was the timeline.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Extinct animal report

Good day people if you didn't know my class is doing a report on animals and also we can work in duos mean teams of 2. I wanted to be in a duo and my helper is Shannon my best friend I knew him like about 5 years and this is our 6th year of being friends. Anyway we chose a dinosaur called suchomimus here is the slideshow.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Pear Deck.1

Good day people nice to meet ya my class gone on this web site called Pear Deck that helps you to get better at sentences. Our teachers wanted us to get better at sentences we had to circle sentences that are simple sentences.we had to highlight words the blue are nouns and the green are verbs here is a screenshot.